Saxifraga ligulata

Botanical Name:- Saxifraga ligulata Wall.

Family:- Saxifragaceae

Hindi Name:- पखानभेद

Its plants grow in abundance in the cracks of rocks on the slopes of mountains above 1500 m in Kashmir, Nepal and the central part of the Himalayas.

Morphology:- This shrub type plant is found all year round. Root stem – reddish (white inside) and about 2.5 cm thick. Thin sub-roots emerge from it and spread between the stones. Leaves- fleshy, smooth, somewhat round, usually 7.5-12.5 cm in diameter, with minute dense spines on the edge (Ciliate) and usually pink in colour on the lower surface. Usually not more than 3 or 4 leaves grow in one place. Flowers- small, white, pink or purple in colour. Fruits- blueish white and small. Its thick root pieces are sold in the market. These pieces are about 2.5-5 cm long, 12-25 mm thick, brown in colour, hard and their bark is rough and wrinkled. There are marks of broken sub-roots and round pits on them. Their inner part is white. Their taste is somewhat fragrant and astringent. Some people consider it to be Vat Patri.

Properties and uses:- Its root is lubricating, urinating, stone-removing, absorbent and mucus-removing. It increases the urine and removes its impurity and the stone also dissolves and comes out.

It is used in lung disorders like dysuria, urinary incontinence, stone, bladder disease, dysentery and cough etc.

(1) It is very beneficial in renal colic and kidney stone etc.

(2) In children, giving it mixed in milk removes the uncleanliness of urine. When ulcers appear in the mouth during teething, it is applied mixed with honey.

(3) It is applied to boils and eye infections.

(4) Being an absorbent, it is beneficial in dysentery. Being beneficial for the intestines, it is used in case of dysentery during fever. It can also be used in dysentery caused due to intestinal laxity.

Classical References:-

पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नो गिरिभिद्भिन्नयोजिनी । अश्मभेदो हिमस्तिक्तः कषायो बस्तिशोधनः॥ (भा. प्र. नि. हरीतक्यादिवर्गः 184)

भेदनो हन्ति दोषार्शोगुल्मकृच्छ्राश्महृद्रुजः । योनिरोगान्प्रमेहांश्च प्लीहशूलव्रणानि च ॥ (भा. प्र. नि. हरीतक्यादिवर्गः 185)

अश्मभेदो दृषद्भेदः प्रस्तरो नगभेदकः | पाषाणभेदो नगदिदश्महोश्मरिभेदनः || (कैैयदेवनिघण्टु, ओषधिवर्ग 1145)

अश्मभेदो हिमस्तिक्तः कषायो वस्तिशोधनः|भेदनो हन्ति दोषार्शोगुल्मकृच्छ्राश्महृद्रुजः || (कैैयदेवनिघण्टु, ओषधिवर्ग 1146)

अश्मभेदी शिलाभेदी ज्ञेया पाषाणभेदिका |उत्कटा सूक्ष्मपत्रा च दीर्घलोहितयष्टिका || (अष्टाङ्गनिघण्टु, वीरतरादिगण 107)

पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नः शिलाभेदोऽश्मभेदकः |स चैवोपलभेदश्च नगभिद्दृषदश्मजित् || (धन्वन्तरिनिघण्टु, गुडूच्यादिवर्ग 177)

पाषाणभेदकः शूलकृच्छ्रमेहत्रिदोषजित् |अश्मभेदो हिमस्तिक्तः शर्कराशिश्नशूलजित् || (धन्वन्तरिनिघण्टु, गुडूच्यादिवर्ग 178)

पाषाणभेदे वृषभः शिलाभिच्चित्रपर्णकः || (निघण्टुशेष, गुल्मकाण्ड 269)

पाषाणभिदश्मभेदः शिलाभेदोऽश्मभित्तथा || (पर्यायरत्नमाला 415)

पाषाणभेदः पाषाणोऽश्मरीभेदोऽश्मभेदकः |शिलाभेदो दृषद्भेदो नागभिन्नोऽङ्गभेदनः || (मदनपालनिघण्टु, अभयादिवर्ग 208)

पाषाणभेदस्तुवरः शीतलो बस्तिशोधनः |सरस्तिक्तः प्रमेहार्शः कृच्छ्राश्मरिरुजो जयेत् || (मदनपालनिघण्टु, अभयादिवर्ग 209)

अश्मभेदः शिलाभेदी प्रस्तरो नगभेदकः |(पाषाणभेदो नगभिदश्महाऽश्मरिभेदकः) || (मदनादिनिघण्टु, एकोनविंशगण 5)

सतिक्तशीतवीर्यश्च मूत्रकृच्छ्रप्रमेहहा |योनिदोषहरः स्रंसी वर्ण्यः पाषाणभेदकः || (मदनादिनिघण्टु, एकोनविंशगण 6)

पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नः शिलाभेदोऽश्मभेदकः |स चैवोपलभेदश्च नगभिढ्दृषदश्मजित् |श्वेता चोपलभेदी च नगजिच्छिलिगर्भजा || (राजनिघण्टु, पर्पटादिवर्ग 39)

पाषाणभेदो मधुरस्तिक्तो मेहविनाशनः | तृड्दाहमूत्रकृच्छ्रघ्नः शीतलश्चाश्मरीहरः || (राजनिघण्टु, पर्पटादिवर्ग 40)

अश्मभेदः शिलाभेदी तथा पाषाणभेदनः |पाषाणभेदकोश्मघ्नो नागजिह्वोदकोश्मजित् || (सरस्वतीनिघण्टु, उलपवर्ग 33)

पाषाणभेदको दृष्टो ह्यश्मभिच्चाश्मभेदकः || (सिद्धसारनिघण्टु 94)

पाषाणभेदकोऽश्मघ्नः स्रावश्चाश्मरिभेदकः ||मूत्रकृच्छ्रहरश्चैव पर्वतमिन् महाबलः || (सोढलनिघण्टु नामसङ्ग्रह (प्रथम भाग), गुडूच्यादिवर्ग 202,203)

अश्मभेदः शिलाभेदी तथा चोपलभेदकः |पाषाणभेदकश्चैव तथा प्रस्तरभेदकः || (सौश्रुतनिघण्टु, वीरतरादिगण 91)

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